... ... an abbreviation meaning Social Introduction Service Technology Economy Rights.
Social Introduction Service Technology Economy Rights.
SISTER is a small non government organisation that has been committed mainly to Dalit and Adivasi Women and Children in India for over 30 years. The aim is to develop projects to benefit many communities and people.
Volunteers are involved in various ways to support unprivileged people. Expenses for the travel, stay and food are borne by the volunteers themselves. Every trip is listed in a detailed report. SISTER wants to encourage people to get engaged for the disadvantaged and poor.
If you are interested in getting to know more about SISTER, please feel free to contact us.
We are looking forward to hear from you: sister@biomail.de
SISTER member
Simply fill out the application form and become a member: Mitgliedsantrag, Satzung
SISTER donation account
IBAN DE28 4306 0967 2056 9181 00
bei der GLS Bank
To our donors:
If you need a donation receipt contact us via E-Mail at sister-hilfe@posteo.de
© Concept, graphic design: www.michaellusga.de